What We Do

The Cornell PTA’s mission is simple: We aim to positively impact every day of our students’ educations by supporting key programming and creating a sense of community and belonging at our school.

What exactly does the Cornell PTA do?
  1. We hold community-building events like Saturdays in the Garden, Class Playdates, and Movie Night. We organize “room parents” to support each class, and hold teacher appreciation events. Sign up to volunteer here!
  2. We raise money for the school. Each year, the Cornell PTA supports basic educational needs that government funding does not cover, including classroom supplies, technology and emergency supplies. We also fund arts, culture, assemblies, and other activities like the garden, field trips, and schoolyard improvements that are crucial to our kids’ health and development. You can donate here.


Tax ID#: 94-6171856.

Support your PTA!

Each year, the Cornell PTA funds learning materials, classroom technology, emergency supplies, arts and culture, garden, field trips, assemblies, schoolyard improvements, and much more!

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