Events and Programs
The Terrifying Truth Behind the Halloween Pumpkin Patch and Bake Sale
I have it on good authority that, on Saturday October 12th and Saturday the 19th, from 11:30-3:00, they will be out there at 1272 Gilman and they will be having their annual Bake Sale!
But this is where we can get them! You see, they need Volunteers to run their precious bake sale. Yes, they are depending on you, their community to not only bake for them, but to stand out there selling those baked goods!
And thats where we strike! I have infiltrated the organization and will be personally overseeing this bake sale. Now, I need you to help me penetrate the secrets of this so called PTA. What I need you to do is to fill out this volunteer form, agree to bake on one or both days, or come and staff the table, or both!
Learn more
Support your PTA!
Each year, the Cornell PTA funds learning materials, classroom technology, emergency supplies, arts and culture, garden, field trips, assemblies, schoolyard improvements, and much more!
Sign up to Volunteer
There are many ways for you to contribute to the Cornell community!
We rely on our valued volunteers throughout the year to help with our different events and activities.
Please email us or fill out the Volunteer Interests Form
Upcoming Cornell Events
- Tuesday, February 11
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
- Wednesday, February 19
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7